Suggestions for Research Professors Promotion Dossier

College of Engineering Suggested Items for Inclusion in Research Professor Promotion Dossiers

Listed below are suggested contents of a faculty promotion (or tenure) dossier. The Academic Appointment Manual contains detailed information about policies and procedures for faculty promotions.

At the department level:
1. Table of contents

2. Current curriculum vitae that includes:
a. list of publications, divided into
i. refereed archival (typically journal), and
ii. refereed conference articles.
List all authors in the order they appear on the publication. Identify those publications that were submitted to the department for review.
b. list of other publications and lectures presented externally (indicate invited lectures, invited contributions, etc.)
c. list of graduate field memberships
d. list of graduate students supervised, degree (M.Eng, MS, PhD), year awarded, and if co-supervised, name the co-advisor and indicate the primary advisor. For Ph.D. and M.S. students include thesis title.
e. list of current graduate students and if co-supervised, indicate the primary advisor and list co-advisors
f. summary of external funding, indicating approximate portion to candidate if co-P.I.
g. list of prestigious honors and awards
h. membership in and service to professional organizations

3. A statement from the candidate describing past and anticipated contributions to scholarship.

4. Letters from ten to fifteen (10-15) established external scholars evaluating the candidate’s academic performance and promise
a. list names of those solicited for letters, indicate those suggested by the candidate and those selected by the department, indicate those that did not provide letters, and reasons (if given) for those that did not respond.
b. brief description of each referee’s credentials
c. sample copy of solicitation letter that includes charge to referee and noting those publications sent for the referee’s consideration
d. summary of any additional oral information sought from external referees
Solicited letters from tenured and untenured Cornell professorial staff should be included only if there is a specific need for internal letters. Inclusion of unsolicited letters, either external or internal, is discouraged.

5. Letter from the department chair or school director to the dean that summarizes:
a. candidate’s role in the department and in allied departments or disciplines
b. candidate’s scholarly achievement and promise
c. departmental vote on promotion, including an explanation for abstentions and negative votes; if the chair’s vote differs from the
1 Written by 1/23/2017 Mark Lewis
department’s, the chair may attach a separate letter
d. clear reasons for early or late promotion, if applicable

6. Copies of all publications submitted as part of review
At the college level:

7. Letter of charge from the dean to the ad hoc committee or standing appointments committee

8. Report of ad hoc committee or standing appointments committee


Final promotion decision is made by the dean with the reappointment coming from human resources.