Book Special Classrooms Now, Mid-semester Course Feedback Information

Classroom pre-booking for spring for special cases

Special requests for Distance Learning or Active Learning or Computer Lab classrooms for spring semester are due Sunday, Oct. 16th.  Make requests through your course coordinator or the MTEI pre-book form.  Requests submitted by the deadline get priority.  Space is limited, so flexibility on days and times is appreciated and makes it more likely you can get the requested type classroom. (Reminders were sent to departments earlier, but some faculty may not have heard.)

Request Mid-semester Feedback Participant List

Email Orlay Santa, ods8, to request the list of participants in the Mid-semester feedback survey for your specific course.

Close Dates for Mid-semester Course Feedback Surveys

DepartmentTentative Close Date, 8amReports to Faculty
BMEThursday, Oct. 13Oct. 14
CSThursday, Oct. 13Oct. 15
ORIEFriday, Oct. 14Oct. 16
BEEMonday, Oct. 17Oct. 17
CEEMonday, Oct. 17Oct. 18-19
ECETuesday, Oct. 18Oct. 19-20
MSE except Junior Lab and 5005Wednesday, Oct. 19Oct. 21
Stat SciThursday, Oct. 20Oct. 22
InfoFriday, Oct. 21Oct. 23
SysenMonday, Oct. 24Oct. 24
ChemEMonday, Oct. 24Oct. 25
MSE junior lab and 5005Open Oct. 13-14 Closes ~ Wed Oct. 26Oct. 27

What to do with your feedback report (especially for new faculty)

  1. Read the report and try not to take complaints too personally.  Think in terms of the course.  Feel free to claim compliments personally.
  2. Look for concerns that come from multiple students.  Look for any diversity and inclusion concerns, even if just 1 student.
  3. Divide concerns according to:
    • What can realistically be addressed this semester (clarify something, post promptly, return graded work, etc). Pick 1-3 to focus on
    • What is worth noting for the next time you teach the class but cannot be addressed this term (early lecture or assignment issue, grading structure, syllabus, course structure, etc).
    • What likely cannot be addressed by you (University policy, Covid impact, time course is taught, credit hours, etc)
    • Ask if you need help sorting or creating an action item (MTEI team:  Kathy Dimiduk, Michael Clarkson, Hadas Ritz, Shivaun Archer, Kyle Harms)
  4. Report back to class. Thank them for providing feedback.  
    • Note a change or two you plan to make
    • If relevant, note something that is good to know for future classes, but that can’t be addressed mid-semester
    • If relevant, agree something is annoying, but beyond your control
  5. Focus on the change(s) you decided to make and don’t stress over the other issues this semester.

Kathryn Dimiduk (klc78)

Director, James McCormick Teaching Excellence Institute (MTEI)