Wrapping Up the Semester

As this semester wraps up, there are a few things to keep in mind

  1. Course evaluations will be sent to you once your grades have been submitted.
    • Make a few notes regarding your course while the semester is fresh in your mind. What went well this semester and where do you want to make changes the next time you teach the course?
    • Add a few more notes after reviewing your course evaluations. Look for strengths that are worth keeping/amplifying and for concerns to address and especially any action items to consider the next time you teach the course. You don’t need to solve the concerns now, but it will help to have a few points noted, rather than having to reread the course evals next year. Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to discuss the evaluations.
  2. Save August 10th on your calendar for our first annual Engineering Teaching Day, 10 AM – 4 PM. Workshop sessions will be a la carte so choose the one(s) that are most relevant to you.
    • Join your colleagues for lunch and discussion of teaching and the upcoming semester.
    • Topics will include resetting student’s study skills, groupwork tips and tricks, syllabi and policies (share ideas and sample wording), active learning to increase student engagement (and attendance), and improving student’s thinking and learning via metacognition and reflection.
    • More details to come; https://www.engineering.cornell.edu/MTEI/engineering-teaching-day.