Awards and Honors

Legunsen, colleagues win ACM SIGSOFT paper award

Owolabi Legunsen, assistant professor (CS), and colleagues' paper, "More Precise Regression Test Selection via Reasoning about Semantics-Modifying Changes," won an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2023 last month in Seattle.

ORIE's Yu awarded USAF grant

Christina Lee Yu, assistant professor (ORIE), has been awarded a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for her project “Efficiently Exploiting Structure for Causal Inference in the Presence of Network Interference.”

Lillian Lee wins Best Paper Award at ACL annual meeting

Lillian Lee, the Charles Roy Davis Professor (CS), received the Best Paper Award at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics for her research "Do Androids Laugh at Electric Sheep? Humor 'Understanding' Benchmarks from The New Yorker Caption Contest."

CS' Artzi receives Demo Track Award

Yoav Artzi, associate professor (CS), received the Demo Track Award at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics for his research "CB2: Collaborative Natural Language Interaction Research Platform."

Hover promoted to Professor Emeritus

Kenneth C. Hover, professor (CEE), was promoted to emeritus status as Professor Emeritus in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, effective July 1, 2023.

Dimiduk receives ASEE campus representive award

Kathryn Dimiduk, director of the James McCormick Family Teaching Excellence Institute, was recently recognized with the 2023 ASEE Zone 1 Outstanding Zone Campus Representative Award.

Éva Tardos recognized by ACM with Knuth Prize

Éva Tardos, the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of Computer Science and department chair in the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, has been awarded the Donald E. Knuth Prize, which recognizes visionaries in computer science whose work has had foundational, long-term impact.

De Sa wins Google Research Scholar Award

Chris De Sa, assistant professor (CS), has won a Google Research Scholar Award in Machine Learning and Data Mining for his paper Example Selection for Large-Scale Optimization and Learning. The Research Scholar Program aims to support early-career professors who are pursuing research in fields relevant to Google.

CS's Trummer receives SIGMOD award

Immanuel Trummer, assistant professor (CS), has received the SIGMOD Best Demonstration Award runner-up for Demonstrating NaturalMiner: Searching Large Data Sets for Abstract Patterns Described in Natural Language.

DeLisa selected to receive the BIOT Marvin J. Johnson Award

Matt DeLisa, the William L. Lewis Professor (CBE), received the 2023 Marvin J. Johnson Award in Microbial and Biochemical Technology from the Division of Biochemical Technology of the American Chemical Society.