The Latest News

Saurabh Mehta and David Erickson

Mobile phone-based saliva test wins NIH prize

Cornell researchers’ concept for a mobile phone-based system to detect infectious diseases and nutritional deficiencies in saliva was awarded a $100,000 NIH Technology Accelerator Challenge prize. Read more

El-Ghazaly named a 2020-21 Faculty Fellow in Engaged Learning

Amal El-Ghazaly, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, is among 20 faculty members named Engaged Faculty Fellows. She is developing a new course to assist new Ph.D. students in their transition to Cornell with the goal of strengthening the community and increasing retention for Ph.D. students from underrepresented minority groups. The course, titled Succeeding in the Graduate Environment, will introduce students to on-campus resources and equip them with the skills needed to succeed in research, academia and their future careers. El-Ghazaly, who joined the ECE faculty in... Read more

Twenty new Engaged Faculty Fellows named

Twenty faculty members from eight colleges have been named Engaged Faculty Fellows, committed to advancing community-engaged learning and scholarship at Cornell and within their academic disciplines. Read more

Wind turbines

New CRADA Signed Between NREL and two Cornell Faculty

A new Co-operative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) has been signed between the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and two Cornell faculty researching wind energy Professor Rebecca Barthelmie (MAE) and Professor Sara C Pryor (EAS). The agreement entitled ‘Wind plant flow physics and power performance in complex environments’ is focused on co-operative research into how the complex flows around wind turbines (wakes) interact, especially in large arrays, and how this impacts power output and the near-environment. This work continues a long-standing co-operation between the two... Read more

Woman in PPE

Dan Cohen, Sibley School alum, writes op-ed for CNBC on the PPE Shortage

By: Dan Cohen

Dan Cohen B.S. '04, M.S. '07, Ph.D. '10 and CEO of 3DBio Therapeutics, has propelled a massive pivot into the manufacturing of personal protective equipment for the company. He recently wrote an op-ed for CNBC in which he discussed why the country is still experiencing PPE shortages 6 months into the pandemic. Read more