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Robots are going to make our lives so much better, if ee can get over ourselves

Huffington Post: One of the tropes of science fiction is the uncanny valley — the phenomenon of a robot looking eerily human-like but not quite right in some intangible way. Another is the breakdown in the distinction between human and machine. And a third is artificial intelligence becoming so complex and sophisticated that humans are no longer able to understand or control it. Read more

Morphing metal shapes future of soft robotics Imagine an aircraft that could alter its wing shape in midflight and, like a pelican, dive into the water before morphing into a submarine. Cornell University engineering professor Rob Shepherd and his group might help make that futuristic-sounding vehicle a reality. Read more

Celebrating a valuable and beautiful infinity on Pi Day

Forbes: Monday is Pi Day — in the U.S., at least. People in Europe might find it strange that March 14 would be the designated day to celebrate a ratio cherished by mathematicians and circle lovers around the world, but that’s because Americans also write the date as 3/14, similar to the first three digits of pi. Read more